Treatment of botox hyperhidrosis - hands

Treatment of botox hyperhidrosis - hands

Treatment of botox hyperhidrosis - hands

Price from 191 GBP

Botox injections get rid of quickly and effectively for a long time, embarrassing the feeling of wet hands. The advantage of the treatment is its short duration.

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Treatment of botox hyperhidrosis - hands



Excessive sweating is the condition of excessive sweat, which may appear in youth and does not last for a lifetime. When excessive sweating is limited to a specific area of the body, it is called local sweat, which usually refers to the armpits, hands, soles of the feet, face and head. Studies show that the problem of excessive sweating can affect up to 1% of the human population. Stress, physical exercise, heat or cold, anxiety, strong emotions, alcohol, coffee, tea, cigarettes, hot or spicy foods are factors that usually heighten symptoms.

Treatment of botox hyperhidrosis - characteristics

Nowadays, medicine is often heard about botulinum toxin treatments. In the colloquial language, botulinum toxin is commonly called botox. In order to better understand the operation of the procedure, please familiarize yourself with this term and explain in the first place what it is.
Bacteria Clostriuidium botoulinum. they produce botulinum toxin. Toxin occurs naturally in nature. For the curious - the name "botulism" comes from the beginning of the 19th century and means sausage. It was then observed that the disease is related to the consumption of spoiled sausages.
The substance is used in procedures by specialist doctors for both aesthetic and medical purposes. Despite the introduction in recent years of many new devices, preparations and methods that may be used in aesthetic medicine, this preparation is still "number one". An example of the use and application of botulinum toxin are treatments aimed at reducing wrinkles (horizontal foreheads, around the eyes, under the eyes). The substance is used by specialists in the treatment of severe diseases called dystonia and muscular contractures. It is also given to people suffering from excessive sweating of the armpits, feet, foreheads and hands.

Sweating human is one of the most important ways of losing heat by the body. The phenomenon of sweating is beneficial for the body, because it protects us from overheating. However, the problem is too intensive sweating, i.e. the state in which sweat is released in an amount much greater than it is needed to maintain the correct body temperature. In medical language, this phenomenon is called hyperhydrosis. The disease results from excessive sweat glands and their hyperactivity. There are various intensities. The ailment may manifest itself in two forms: generalized and local. Excessive hyperhidrosis in the local form is much more common. An example of this kind of hyperhidrosis is the excessive hyperhidrosis of the hand. You can try to deal with hyperhidrosis in various ways, whether by reaching for specialist products from the pharmacy or through drugs.
Unfortunately, most of them help only with a small increase in the problem. Currently, the most effective way resulting from the development of aesthetic medicine is the procedure of administering places that secrete too much botulinum toxin sweat.

Treatment of botox hyperhidrosis - benefits

The main benefits of botox hyperhidrosis treatment are:
• elimination of unpleasant effects of excessive sweating (reduction of perspiration);
• definite improvement in well-being and increase of self-confidence;
• immediate effect, with relatively low invasiveness;
• ease of performance and short duration of the treatment, with a relatively long-lasting effect.

Indications for the procedure

It should be noted that there is no sharp boundary between what is normal in sweating and what is already becoming a problem. The main indication for treatment with botulinum toxin is sweating to the extent that it disturbs the everyday functioning of people affected by hyperhidrosis. Hyperhydraemia of the hand is quite a nuisance phenomenon, because it significantly affects the daily activity and quality of life of people suffering from it. An example of how embarrassing can be hyperhidrosis is imagining a man (businessman) who during an important meeting with the client can not give his hand to the other side in greeting, because it is constantly wet. External symptoms of hyperhidrosis can cause great discomfort, at the same time causing increased shame and lack of self-confidence. The solution is to perform a botox hyperhidrosis treatment.

Contraindications for the procedure

While performing the treatment of palpation hyperhidrosis with botox, which consists in combating excessive secretion of sweat in the hand area, despite its low invasiveness and risk of complications, as in any medical procedure, there are squeezes to perform it. The number of contraindications is definitely lower than in the case of other surgical procedures, especially when it comes to surgery, however, it should be remembered that the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the Botox hand can not be performed when they occur:

• neuromuscular transmission disorders (myasthenia gravis, Lambert-Estona syndrome, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis);
• hypersensitivity to the components of the preparation used (e.g., human albumin, botulinum toxin type A);
• when it comes to female sex, a woman wishing to undergo surgery is pregnant or during lactation;
• there are skin infections at the site of the planned administration of botulinum toxin;
• the person wishing to use the treatment takes aminoglycoside-type drugs (e.g., gentamicin).
The downplaying of the above-mentioned contraindications may cause negative consequences that may come to fruition as an undesirable effect of the performed procedure, including acting to the detriment of the potential patient's health.

Before the surgery

Before the treatment of botox hyperhidrosis, qualified doctors are obliged to properly prepare for its implementation. They follow step by step according to the medical procedures known to them, taking into account the individual case and the type of surgery the patient is to undergo.

The whole preparation process begins with the consultation of a person willing to use the treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis and a doctor who will eventually perform the procedure. Usually, the first step of the doctor taking a patient with symptoms of hyperhidrosis is to conduct an interview, as a result of which he / she should obtain from the patient all information that may affect the possibility or effect of the planned surgery in the future. The patient is expected to give this person reliable answers, and on the day of the surgery (after informing him about this requirement), expect that he did not use any cosmetic preparations acting on the skin of the hand to be covered by the procedure.
Before the treatment of botox hyperhidrosis, one of its first steps may be an iodine-starch test, which allows you to figure out exactly where to perform the injection. The test is performed by lubricating the forehead with iodine and then sprinkling with starch. The Minora test allows you to observe places where there are the most glands causing increased secretion of sweat. These places, in response to starch, turn black.

Type of anaesthesia

Patients interested in joining surgery or surgery are usually confused and are afraid of pain associated with planned medical procedures. The treatment of botulinum hyperhidrosis to reduce perspiration in the hand area consists in injecting into the skin in small doses a botulinum toxin blocking sweat glands for some time. The treatment of hyperhidrosis of the botox hand is done using a thin needle, which is associated with a negative feeling of puncture. In addition to this discomfort, which is a drawback of the surgery is its pain. This is due to the fact that the skin of the hand's interior is hard and the local anesthetic (usually cream) penetrates it badly, causing worse performance. The surface of the hand skin is also not a small surface, which means that there are quite a few (about 50).

How does the procedure work?

After the initial preparation of the patient, the main procedure is performed. In appropriately prepared and marked places, the doctor who performs botox hyperhidrosis treatment gives under the skin a small amount of botulinum toxin. The result is a temporary paralysis of nerve conduction within the area being injected. Therefore, by writing in a simpler language - the toxin blocks the sweat glands, thus resulting in less sweat in the injection site. Administration of botox with a sterile needle lasts from a few to several minutes. The effect of the treatment is observed after just a few days of the surgery.

Time and course of convalescence

Immediately after the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the hands with botox, as a result of scratching the needle in patients, small bruises and puncture wounds may appear. Due to the small diameter of the needle used during the treatment, they are virtually unnoticeable. There may be slight redness and slight swellings in the place. However, these symptoms should be resolved within a few days of the surgery. It is possible that the patient after the treatment of palpation hyperhidrosis will feel local soreness, however, it should also disappear in the time shortly after surgery.

Effects after surgery

Botox is one of the most popular treatments today. Its popularity was certainly determined by the effectiveness and quick effect of botox hyperhidrosis treatment. Regarding the effectiveness, it should be noted that the results of the treatment of hyperhidrosis in the hands of botox are visible after a few days. From 3 to 12 days after the procedure, we can observe an evident decrease in hand sweating in people who have undergone this treatment method.

Effects after surgery

Botox is one of the most popular treatments today. Its popularity and the effect of botox hyperhidrosis treatment. Regarding the effectiveness, it should be written in the hands of botox are visible after a few days. From 3 to 12 days after the procedure, we can observe the treatment method.

How long do the effects last after the treatment last?

The main drawback of the treatment of palm hyperhidrosis is its short-term effect. The time of maintaining the toxin in the body depends in each case on the individual characteristics of the person subjected to it. The preparation will work better for a person and worse for someone else. Generally, botulinum toxin operates in the range from 6 months to 12 months. After the indicated period around the sweat glands, new unblocked nerve endings are created, often causing a recurrence of sweating at the site of previous surgery. Good information for patients is the fact that the treatment can be repeated. It is also worth mentioning that in some cases the effectiveness of the preparation can be observed for a longer time than statistically determined.

How to avoid complications after the procedure?

When avoiding complications in this type of surgery, which is injections, the most important thing is to follow the doctor's instructions. As it has already been described, one should avoid excessive physical effort during the first days after the procedure. Over the period from 2 weeks to a month, avoid the sun and do not use the sauna. In addition to the sauna, the use of the swimming pool is not recommended for 4-5 days from the day of the treatment. In addition, remember not to touch, massage and constrict your hands, as well as, as mentioned above, do not use dermatological and cosmetic treatments within these places.

Possible complications after the procedure

Generally, treatments for botox hyperhidrosis are considered safe procedures. However, firstly, as with any medical procedure, complications may still occur. These complications, however, are in most cases transient and, what is important, they do not threaten the life of a person. Pain, redness, swelling, bruising, infections and allergic reactions are the most common of those occurring.

Recommended additional treatments after the procedure

The treatment of palmar hyperhidrosis with botulinum toxin is a method with documented best efficacy from among those available on the market. Preparations available in pharmacies are not as effective. However, surgical operation, or the use of micro-needle radiofrequency to combat hyperhidrosis, is more invasive and painful. Another type of treatments, which is important from the point of view of both the doctor and the patient, also have a greater number of postoperative complications.
In addition to following the instructions of the treating physician, the described method of treatment of palm hyperhidrosis does not require any supportive therapies. In the event that excessive hand sweating is caused by an emotional factor, then, exceptionally, to obtain better results, treatment is recommended by recommending the patient to take drugs from the group of beta-brokers or sedatives.
Patient wanting to support the treatment of botox hyperhidrosis can also resort to taking a decoction of herb sage, which has a positive effect on reducing excessive sweating. However, before attempting such attempts, it is recommended to consult such a plan with a physician, due to the possibility of interactions with other drugs, if the patient accepts such a plan.

Other treatments for hyperhidrosis using botox:
• Treatment of hyperhidrosis of Botox
• Treatment of hyperhidrosis of Botox fragments
• Treatment of hyperhidrosis of the botox face

Author: lWincenty Chmielewski, MD
Substantive verification: Piotr Bargiel, MD
We invite you to take advantage of our search for clinics, surgeries and medical facilities located in Poland, offering treatment of Botox hand sweating.
L. Baumann, Aesthetic dermatology, Medical Publishing House PZWL; M. Wasiluk, Aesthetic medicine without secrets, PZWL Medical Publisher;


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from 191 GBP

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